Ali Allawi
Dr. Allawi is the 2009-2010 Senior Visiting Fellow at the Carr Center. He is currently completing the biography of Faisal 1 of Iraq, to be published in 2011.
“Improving through Acts of Virtuous Ethics” - 4/27/2009
ALI ALLAWI: So I think that Muslims in this country are probably in the best place in the Western world to do that, because this country is accommodating to varieties of faith and variety of faith groups. The main problem, as most people see, is that when Muslims try to exercise their Islam in the public space, then all kinds of sort of images of Sharia and women being oppressed and so on spring to mind. These, I think, are misplaced, these kinds of fears. So if Muslims are going to act out, I think they should do it in the tried and true ways of improving the quality of public life through acts of virtuous ethics, the ethics of virtue as it were.