Handling ZIP Format Archive Files

In our Downloads & Resource section, many of downloadable assets are provided in ".zip" format. A Zip file is an "archive" of one or more files compressed into one file for easy distribution. Once a ZIP file is downloaded to your computer, it can be easily opened and extracted (unzipped) with a ZIP/UnZIP software program.

How to obtain a ZIP Extractor

To acquire the extracting utility for your computer's operating system, below are a few suggestions:


Download (http://www.winzip.com/downwz.htm) a trial version of Winzip
Download (http://www.stuffit.com/win-expander.html) StuffIt Expander


OS X by default is capable of extracting/archiving zip files. (By double clicking, it should extract)
Also, you can find various applications here: http://mac.sofotex.com/Mac_Utilities/Compression/